Wednesday, January 02, 2013


There was a King who had 1 Eye and 1 leg..

He asked all the painters to draw a beautiful portrait of him. But none of them could -- how could they paint him beautifully with the defects in one eye and one leg.

Eventually one of them agreed and drew a classic picture of the King.

It was a fantastic picture and surprised everyone..

He painted the King AIMING for a HUNT. Targeting with ONE Eye Closed and One Leg Bent ...

MORAL : Why cant we all paint pictures like this for others. Hiding their weaknesses and highlighting their strength


aneebaba said...

Great story Sr. Iffath! -Br. Anees

Anonymous said...

Mashaa Allaaah it really a wonderful story full of wisdom

Anonymous said...

reallyyyyyyyyyyythat is impresive story

Monika said...

good, teaches us how can we think positive in a negative situation also

Anonymous said...

great story sir!!!! but very difficult to implement in life problems which you are facing!!!!

Unknown said...

Assalamualikum, great story with full of wisdom and precisely drafted too..
Alhamdulillah. Allah Haafiz.

Mawuena KLM said...

Wow!!!...God bless you for such an inspiring moral story

Nhiebu tsürho said...

Beautifully written..

Anonymous said...

A great story

Anonymous said...

really a very nice story ,a different point of view :)

Anonymous said...

What an inspiration

pradeep said...

great story for every one

Adi Pags said...

what a nice inspiring story

Adi Pags said...

What an inspiring story

Anonymous said...

such a good story

Unknown said...

woow what a nice story

Unknown said...

wow what an interesting story.

Unknown said...

this is nice story site.This is the educationally story site.I like it

The Best Story

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Fantastic story if eachone of u in todays starts practising this then this world become enemy n war free

Anonymous said...

thanks alot! i just hope its easy to convert it into a ballad :D

Unknown said...


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

So Meaningful. Thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

So great story this is for me bcoz i always think i am not well in anything when i saw to do that think by others
Thanks your story encorages me

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this......

Unknown said...

very nice.. and meaningful

vaibhav gawade said...

really a positive thinking story..

Anonymous said...


ajdjede said...

nice story

Unknown said...

True! We should be like the painter.. :)

Anonymous said...


Raj saraf said...

Really a good story we should always think positive of others

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i liked it

khaja moinuddin said...

i liked it

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Very much impressive moral story!Wonderful!

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Excellent story for starting a day:):)

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good one i like well this story

Unknown said...

nice but good story

Unknown said...

this is such a nice and interesting story with great fun and moral also

Unknown said...

It's a great story with such a nice moral.

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