Sunday, May 21, 2006


Ayah of the Day:
And do not approach the property of the orphan, except with what is better, until he reaches maturity; and fulfill promises, for the promise will be questioned. [17: 34]

Hadith of the Day:
If you are kind to your neighbors and like others to have what you want for yourself, you will be a believer. [Tirmidhi]

Wise Quote of the Day:
He who tells a lie loses the freshness of his face, he who cultivates bad habits will ever remain sad; it is far easier to move a huge mountain from one place to another than to reform the ignorant, stupid. [Luqman the wise]

Guidance of the Day:
Truthfulness: The nature of truthfulness (sidq) consists of developing an acquired rank until it is perfected. The meaning of truthfulness is steadfastness. In all states, acts, and speech the truthful one is well grounded. He has realized the state of perfection. In the Shari'a, the conception of truthfulness includes actions, speech, states, and conditions. Truthfulness in regard to speech is that talk should be firm and true according to reality. One imbued with this quality is called "truthful in speech." Truthfulness in regard to actions is that every act be in conformity with the command of the Shari'a and not in conflict with it. One whose acts are at all times in conformity with the Shari'a is termed "truthful in acts." Truthfulness in regard to one's state or condition is that all conditions should be in accordance with the sunna. Conditions that are in conflict with the Sunna are false. One whose states are in accordance with the Sunna is called "truthful in states."

The states of truthfulness is such that their effect is enduring. the influence of the states of truthfulness is lasting and dominant. They are not of a temporary nature. They should not exist in a person one day and be absent another. Nor does this mean that such states should overwhelm one perpetually. Rather, the effect or influence of these states of truthfulness should abide, become a station, and not fade. One should develop the art of worship or obedience to the stage of perfection. For example, perform prayer in such a way that it could be described in the Shri'a as a perfect prayer--a prayer performed in observance of all the external and internal rules and etiquette. The same should apply to all other acts of obedience and worship. The implementation of this way is truthfulness.

Truthfulness is dependent upon knowledge of the factors that produce perfection. Therefore, one has to be alert at all times and compensate for one's shortcomings. An effort is to be made to rectify poorly performed obligations. Constancy in improving and perfecting one's acts will ensure within a short while the perfect state of truthfulness. [The Path to Perfection]

Food for Thought:
The foolish and the dead never change their opinion. Invite change into your life, wonderful surprises await you.

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