Thursday, May 04, 2006


Ayahs of the Day:
This Recital guides to what is more sound, and gives the good news to the believers who do good deeds that there is a great reward for them, and that for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have prepared a painful penalty. [17: 9,10]

Hadith of the Day:
Two hungry wolves let loose in a flock of sheep do not cause as much harm as the harm to a man's religion wrought by his desire for wealth and fame. [Tirmidhi]

Wise Quote of the Day:
Live as long as you want, but you must die; love whatever you want, but you will become separated from it; and do what you want, but you will be repaid for it. [Imam Ghazali]

Guidance of the Day:
Love of fame: The desire that others honor, respect, and be submissive to one is termed love of fame (hub al jah). It is difficult to diagnose this malady. It is only in the event of an incident in which one is not honored that this disease becomes detectable. Love of fame is a quality that lies in one's imagination; hence its nature is transitory. It is extremely flimsy in that it is dependent on the thoughts of others, for fame entails honor of one by others. The thoughts of others thus form the basis for fame. If others divert their thoughts, one's fame is eliminated. Hence, he who desires to be considered famous and honorable has to rely on the thoughts of others--thoughts that are not within his control. But in spite of love of fame being so flimsy in nature and ephemeral, man hankers after it.

Only such fame is detestable that has been acquired by one's desire and pursuit. Such fame is a calamity that destroys one's worldly life as well as one's life of the Hereafter. When man sees that the world praises him, he is overtaken by pride and vanity. These diseases finally destroy him. His religion is thus destroyed. Many people have fallen into this trap and been utterly wiped out. A famous person has many envious enemies who engage in conspiracies to harm and eliminate him. This then is the harm to one's worldly life. Thus, both religion and worldly life suffer in the wake of fame.

On the other hand, fame that Allah Most High bestows upon man without him requesting it is a bounty (ni'ma). As man needs wealth to a certain degree, so does he stand in need of fame to a certain degree. Such limited fame enables him to remain in safety and be protected against injustice and oppression. Such safety enables him to engage in the worship of Allah Most High without fear and in peace. This amount of fame is therefore not harmful.

The Remedy: Meditate upon the futility of love of fame. Neither the one who honors nor the one who is honored will remain. All will perish. It is therefore childish to be delighted over such a transitory and illusionary attribute. This manner of contemplation will eliminate this malady. [The Path to Perfection]

Food for Thought:
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. It is not the length of life, it is the depth of life that makes a difference.

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